Agent Protection

man showing other man phone

Referral Protection

Worried about the legal liability of providing a bad referral? Don't worry with us! In fact, the InterNACHI® is so confident in us that they will provide FREE $10,000 in protection to realty agents/brokers that register and refer us.

Indepedent Estimates

A quick and accurate estimate is a powerful negotiating tool!

We offer completely independent estimate for repairs on homes we inspect or others* you may be working on.

Sample Reports

Be sure to check out our sample reports to get a glimpse of how we are standing out from the competition!

Honor Guarantee

We give a completely free honor guarantee with every inspection! You and your clients can rest comfortably, and assured, knowing that personal property won't going missing.

Home Buy Guarantee

We want you to be confident in choosing us, so we will put our money where our mouth is!

If we miss anything we’ll buy your home back at full purchase price!